When Hurricanes Cancel Flights What Are Passengers’ Rights?

Tomasz Pawliszyn, CEO of AirHelp, tells us: “Passengers aren’t eligible for compensation for weather-related delays, as it’s beyond the airline’s control. However, staying updated on weather conditions, knowing your rights, and planning ahead can help reduce the impact of cancellations or delays caused by storms. 

In some cases, severe weather can also result in mishandled luggage, and if your bags are delayed, damaged, or lost, you are entitled to compensation or reimbursement. Be sure to report any issues immediately at the airport and keep all receipts for any essentials you purchase while waiting for your luggage.  

I recommend packing essentials like a toothbrush or a change of clothes for both you and your family, as rebooking can take time and it’s hard to predict how long you’ll be at the airport. 

Of course, check with your airline first.