The Aerospace Maintenance Council Competition (AMC) is an annual event that brings together aviation maintenance professionals from various backgrounds to compete in real-world scenarios. This year, a record-breaking 90 teams participated in Chicago, testing their skills in speed, accuracy, and safety across 27 different challenges.

American Airlines was a major sponsor at the event, sending not only six teams of their own AMTs but also sponsoring student teams from three aviation maintenance schools. American’s sponsored teams performed exceptionally well, with Team Tulsa achieving first place in both the overall Maintenance Repair and Overhaul / Original Equipment Manufacturer category and several individual events. Another American team won top honors in events simulating spacecraft maintenance tasks.

Beyond showcasing the skills of their current workforce, American Airlines also placed a strong emphasis on supporting future talent. By sponsoring student teams, they provided valuable practical experience that complemented classroom learning. Students on American-sponsored teams gained firsthand exposure to the size and complexity of real aircraft, a valuable addition to theoretical knowledge. This investment paid off, with each student team winning awards in their respective categories.

American recognizes the importance of a strong pipeline for future AMTs. Students who compete on their sponsored teams are guaranteed job interviews upon graduation and acquiring the necessary FAA licenses. Financial support is another way American aids aspiring AMTs – they offer scholarships to incentivize students to complete their studies.