Day By Day: Our Viking British Isles Experience

Revisiting Viking Sky First Impressions

Coming back to any cruise line speaks volumes to how well travelers were satisfied on a previous visit.  Big ship cruise lines have robust past guest programs that aim to reward loyalty. With those, benefits add up over time, bringing bonus value.  They make a good stab at being everything to everybody.   Then there is Viking.

Over the years, we have watched with pleasure as Viking went from a little river cruise company to pretty much owning the river cruise space.  Taking that success to the sea, Viking hit one out of the park with the revolutionary (less than 1000 guests) Viking Star. We grabbed ahold of that rocket and never looked back.  

After an overnight flight from Orlando to London, we boarded Viking Sky to see a ship that looked and felt brand new, as though it had just been launched.  More importantly and perhaps the biggest most differentiating factor on the topic Viking vs. Everyone Else is the people and systems they continue to impact.  Now with ten ocean-going ships plus one on the Mississippi and a growing expedition fleet, Viking’s success continues unabated.  That’s probably a thread that will run throughout my account of this British Isles Explorer experience. 

Greenwich Brings An Evolved Viking Experience

We have just begun this 15-day British Isles Explorer journey. Already, we are seeing some elements of the Viking Ocean experience that have evolved since the last time we sailed.   It’s a very nice, guest-focused evolution of what Viking does in nearly all areas of the operation.   Let me explain.

We always take the included tours, looking for a nice overview of each port of call. Viking delivers that nice overview every single time. This has been at the core of travelers’ experiences since Viking began. I have always checked that box and thought nothing of it. Until this trip.  

On a 90-minute walking tour of Greenwich, we explored the area in Viking’s familiar manner, hitting all the hot spots history has remembered. A knowledgeable local guide provided the narrative as we walked. Seeing other passengers around the ship after touring, nearly everyone could not stop talking about the high level of quality in that guide’s narrative.  The best way I can describe it is a free-flowing exchange of ideas instead of something leaning more toward a lecture.   One of those passengers we toured with put it best: “This is why we chose Viking.” 

Another example, totally unrelated, is how Viking does the Guest Emergency Drill.  We were instructed to watch a safety video on our stateroom TV and verify that we did so, at our convenience. It’s that “at your convenience” that is of interest here.  Commonly called “the lifeboat drill” by many, it often resulted in lots of people lined up on an outside deck awaiting instruction they might not hear, care about or pay attention to, life jacket in hand.  Go back a couple of decades, and avoiding the lifeboat drill might have been possible. Now, we know at least one human in each stateroom knows what to do because they verified it.  


The White Cliffs of Dover, an iconic symbol of England, stand majestically along the southeastern coast, facing the Strait of Dover and France. Their striking appearance comes from the chalk composition, accented by streaks of black flint, formed during the Late Cretaceous period.

Reaching up to 350 feet high, the cliffs stretch for about eight miles on either side of the town of Dover in Kent. This natural wonder has been a gigantic landmark in British history, serving as both a defensive barrier and a welcoming sight for seafarers.

The cliffs are part of the North Downs and are designated as an Outstanding Natural Beauty Area, sort of like a Rails2Trails and/or UNESCO World Heritage designation. Visitors can enjoy breathtaking views, explore walking trails, discover diverse flora and fauna, and look into the rich history of this unique landscape. 

The White Cliffs of Dover continue to inspire and captivate, leaving a lasting impression on all who experience their grandeur, including us. Frankly, it was hard to look away from them.

This was just the second stop on our Viking 15-night British Isles Explorer cruise. Next up is a day at sea, and we’ll take advantage of that by introducing a new feature on this blog that you will like. I think. It involves saving money and traveling more.

A Day At Sea Highlights Viking Sky Attractions

A day at sea brings abundant time to explore the ship.   On board Viking Sky, we did just that.  In the process, we verified a number of claims made by Viking in promotional material.

  • No Children Under 18–  I did not card everyone but have not seen any at all.
  • No Casinos- Check
  • No Nickel and Diming- This is a big one and it’s so true.   Once on board, the lion’s share of everything we do is included.  
  • No Charge Wi-Fi- Yes and it works well.   On a day at sea, I uploaded video, a rather huge file.   Appropriate: The Internet should be free worldwide anyway.
  • No Charge For Beer & Wine with lunch and dinner – as it turns out, that’s plenty for us but I am still happy we chose the Silver Spirits plan.  Lisa might not have discovered the wonders of an Aperol Spritz
  • No Umbrella Drinks- True on the umbrella drinks but I am told that they make a great Pina Collada
  • No Photography Sales – About the only thing close to this are some really great Viking note cards in the ship’s stores.  
  • No Inside Cabins- Everyone gets a balcony
  • No Smoking- I did not even get a whiff of it and I would if there was
  • No Waiting In Lines– So far, so good on this one.  We’ll double back on all these post-sailing.
  • No Formal Nights, Butlers, or White Gloves–  Nothing against butlers in general, but they would not fit in here.   Think casual during the day, business casual in the main dining room.
  • No Charge Alternative Restaurants-  There is no charge for Manfredi’s or The Chef’s Table specialty restaurants. 
  • Free Spa- Viking’s Nordic Spa is a unique experience one might pay a $hundreds to use. Here it is included in the fare

Holyhead Wales

Holyhead, situated on Holy Island off the northwestern tip of Anglesey, Wales, is a town steeped in history and maritime significance. Its strategic location has made it a vital port for centuries, connecting Wales with Ireland. The town boasts a rich heritage, evidenced by the Roman fort remains and the iconic South Stack Lighthouse, perched dramatically on a rocky islet. We were in port from 8:00AM to 5:00PM and when we arrived, it was cloudy, cold and raining.

Weather gradually cleared up, bringing a beautiful day in Holyhead and also on the lovely Viking Sky. Holyhead’s bustling port serves as a major ferry terminal, facilitating travel between Wales and Ireland. The town offers a range of amenities for visitors, including shops, restaurants, and accommodations. Outdoor enthusiasts can explore the stunning coastal scenery along the Anglesey Coastal Path, while history buffs can delve into the past at the Holyhead Maritime Museum.

Beyond its maritime importance, Holyhead boasts a charming town center with traditional Welsh architecture and a welcoming atmosphere. The town’s close-knit community actively participates in cultural events and festivals throughout the year. Travelers can experience the warmth and hospitality of the locals while enjoying the town’s unique character.

Holyhead has seen a resurgence in tourism, attracting visitors with its blend of history, natural beauty, and convenient access to Wales and Ireland. Whether exploring the historic landmarks, enjoying the coastal scenery as we did, or simply soaking up the town’s charm, Holyhead offers a memorable experience for all who visit. Special note to Roger C from Tulsa who asked via Facebook: Yes, they speak English here.

Exploring The Beatles In Liverpool As Only Viking Can

I was really looking forward to our stop in Liverpool for a variety of reasons: John, Paul, George and Ringo. I was not disappointed.

I still remember that first Ed Sullivan Show appearance, when it was hard to hear them over the screaming fans on our black-and-white TV. Still, enough notes made it through the applause to realize: this is something special.

Over the next few years, nearly everyone I knew started what was then called a ‘garage band’ to feed the hunger created by the Beatles. My friend Kevin’s last name was Paul so he took Paul McCartney’s lyrics, my first name is Jon, so I was John Lennon and everyone else took the leftovers, George & Ringo. Ok, we were 8 years old so just go with it.

The point is, this was our reaction to what would be called the British Invasion, which also included Herman’s Hermits. My older sister would grow tired of hearing the lyrics to Henry the 8th over and over and over and over again. Still, pop music occupied a great amount of my time for many years.

Visiting Liverpool with Viking Cruises 60 years later would bring back long-forgotten memories. Good, clean, wonderful memories of hope, excitement and a hefty dose of star-struckitis which I am pretty sure is not actually a word.

I have always thought that one of the single most differentiating factors that puts all things Viking head and shoulders ahead of many other cruise lines is the detail they go through to bring the destinations home. The choreography of events that lead to a fabulous travel experience is actually broken down into easy digestible portions that add up to a fabulous (and often life-changing) travel experience. In other words: it does not get better than this.

How Viking goes about this is a bit of a mystery I don’t even want to know the details of. Why look behind the curtain when the wizard has provided everything one might expect and so much more. It’s that “so much more” part that we will spend a lot of time on here in an effort to describe what Viking does.

To a point.

Somewhere along the way travelers have to believe. They must know they have aligned themselves with like-minded travelers AND a like-minded travel company. Viking solidly nails both from the moment we walk on their ships. Every. Single. Time.

Details Add Up On Viking Cruises

Sailing a 15-night British Isles Explorer cruise with Viking Cruises has been a real pleasure. Viking takes care of the little details so well that what they do equates to a high occurrence of an excellent travel experience. It’s nearly inevitable that something amazing will happen. Nice words to say about any cruise line but today I have a specific example I think you’ll like.

About this time last year, I was on a different cruise with a different cruise line. That one explored the Galapagos and Machu Picchu, an itinerary I highly recommend. During the course of this sailing I had some time to kill in the Lima, Peru airport so I strolled up and down the immediate area of our boarding gate to see what was available to eat. I just happened to find a little fast food place that featured some sort of a delicious fried dough that was just wonderful.

When I got back home after that trip, I tried to find that product in the grocery store. No luck. I searched online and went to multiple grocery stores but had no luck. Clearly, I did not know what I was looking for. That quest to rediscover the delicacy I had found at that fast food place in the Lima, Peru airport continued off and on over the last year.

Fast forward to embarkation day on our 15-night British Isles Explorer sailing. The first Viking crew I came in contact with was Luis, a Guest Services Manager from, you guessed it: Peru. “Hmmm, maybe he’ll know” I thought and read him in on the background story. In a matter of minutes, Luis found what I was looking for online and that product had been identified. I did not know what to do with it, but I knew what it was.

Now let’s move to dinner in The Restaurant last night aboard Viking Sky. Lisa and I were perusing the menu and making the difficult ordering decision (there are a lot of great choices) when the restaurant manager brought us each two of sought after fried balls and they were absolutely delicious. It seems one of the chefs is from Peru and knows all about this product. It was delicious and we were blown away with the level of Viking hospitality.

Oh, and the name of this little delight? Chipacitos

Little Things That Make Viking Sky A Big Hit

Viking Cruises lovely Viking Sky brings a friendly travel experience that really is quite unique. Enabling travelers to customize their cruise in unique ways, the unexpected result has the ship becoming part of the destination. In an interesting way, the crew takes a larger role in the overall experience.  But all that is my take on what Viking is doing.  What about other people on the ship?  The other passengers.  The crew.  Let’s take a look at common themes uncovered along the way, shared and enjoyed by more than a few.

Plenty of Open Deck Space
Perhaps a double-edged sword here, fans of top deck attractions like water slides and playgrounds will come up short.  On the other hand, more al fresco dining and venues that can become one with the sea or destinations visited are transformed into an entirely different feel with huge floor to ceiling glass panels open.  Weather permitting, a sliding roof over the pool on Viking Sky is also appreciated.

Plenty Of People To Help
On a very basic level, that the cruise fare includes regional wine and beer with meals is a nice thought made better by abundant service people around to keep those glasses full.  A simple enough issue to handle, Viking passengers are not seen looking around for someone to help them.  Service members take care of business quickly and efficiently.

Plenty Of Smiles
This is a happy bunch of people, the crew members who work with Viking Cruises.  Perhaps that has something to do with the fact that gratuities paid by passengers are just one part of the compensation program.  We look around a lot and consistently see pleasant people engaging passengers in a number of ways.  That they even have the time to chat seems to be an exception to the norm that we see on other cruise lines.

A Nicely Sized Vessel
930-passenger Viking Sky shares the ability other smaller ships have that large ships just don’t; they can stop at more places.  Bonus: When they come to town, the ports are not overwhelmed with a barrage of 5000 cruise passengers.

Safe In An Unsafe World
Like other ocean-going ships, Viking Sky too has elevated security measures in place that include the standard cruise card scan to get on or off the ship while in port.     A daily port talk and the Viking Daily newsletter left in each stateroom the night before brings current, relevant information about each place we visited along with a QR code map of the area.  Paper waste has been reduced to nearly nothing.

A Local Focus And A Global Overview
Onboard enrichment lecturers are interesting, adding a personal element to the places Viking Sky visits. Better yet, all these lectures can be watched on televisions in the comfort of staterooms Viking passengers really do want to spend time in.  That they all have verandahs makes that notion all the more important.   Still, pleasant open spaces throughout the ship make for happy times with new friends met on board…something that is really hard to avoid…and you don’t want to avoid that element of it all.

Little Unexpected Features Highlight Viking’s Keen Focus On The Passenger Experience
One day we returned to the ship to find many of the crew lined up, champagne flowing and music playing to welcome us back.  Technically not a ‘luxury’ cruise line, Viking Ocean Cruises has indeed raised the bar on what we think of being the big ship cruise experience.   Some tiny examples that add up to a big wonderful travel experience:

  • The Ship Smells Wonderful- I don’t know how they do it but they do.   All public areas smell like springtime, all the time.  I’m pretty sure they pump something into the ventilation system but continual cleaning 24 hours a day probably has something to do with that too.  This ship looks brand new. 
  • There Are Few Announcments, Fewer Advertisements– The ship’s daily newsletter is just that, a simple schedule of when things are happening that also includes the next day’s menus.  No inch of gold promotion, promos for spa treatments, art auctions or other events that generate a lot of paper handbills.
  • Hydration Happens- Unlike any other we know of, Viking keeps their passengers hydrated with unlimited bottles of water for tours.  They hit each table in every dining venue within a minute to serve water.  Open 24/7: coffee/espresso/juice stations.
  • No Crowding-  While less than one thousand passengers is obviously far fewer than multiple thousands on a ship, Viking Sky still hosts more passengers than one might at a cocktail party back home…but a cocktail party-sized ambiance is commonplace around Viking Sky.  Tour groups leaving the ship do so on a schedule that avoids lines.

Visiting Edinburgh With Viking Cruises

Our Viking Ocean cruise docked at the port of Rosyth, the gateway to the enchanting city of Edinburgh. The air buzzed with excitement as we disembarked, ready to explore the treasures that awaited us in Scotland’s historic capital.

A scenic motorcoach ride whisked us through rolling hills and picturesque landscapes, drawing us closer to the heart of Edinburgh. As we entered the city, the iconic Edinburgh Castle, perched atop an extinct volcano, dominated the skyline. Its imposing presence seemed to beckon us to uncover the secrets of its centuries-old walls.

Our one stop was the Royal Mile for about an hour of free time to explore on our own. Lisa had stayed on board Viking Sky to rest up for a very long tour we had planned for the next day. I walked around street teeming with shops, pubs, people and historical landmarks. I walked around a bit, enjoying the medieval architecture and soaking up the lively atmosphere. Street performers and bagpipe players entertained passersby, while the aroma of freshly baked shortbread wafted from inviting bakeries.

We drove through the charming streets of the Old Town, stumbling upon hidden courtyards and quirky shops. We made our way past the elegant New Town, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Its Georgian architecture, wide avenues, and manicured gardens offered a stark contrast to the medieval charm of the Old Town.

Some of our group enjoyed a quick snack at a traditional Scottish restaurant, savoring local delicacies like haggis, neeps, and tatties. The warm hospitality and lively conversation with fellow diners made the stop truly memorable.

Our 3 hour tour in Edinburgh was a whirlwind of sights, sounds, and flavors. The city’s rich history, vibrant culture, and warm hospitality left a lasting impression on us. As we headed back to Viking Sky we carried with us a treasure trove of memories and a newfound appreciation for Scotland’s captivating capital.

During another wonderful dinner in The Restaurant on board, we sailed away and couldn’t help but feel a tinge of sadness at leaving Edinburgh behind. However, we knew this was just the beginning of our Scottish adventure, with more wonders waiting to be discovered as our Viking Ocean cruise continued. Coming up next, a tour that was sold out and waitlisted from the moment we booked must have had a cancellation: We would indeed be doing the all day, 8 hour Ultimate Outlander Experience: Lisa’s dream excursion. That’s next

Review: Viking Ultimate Outlander Experience

Viking Cruises offers an unforgettable 8-hour tour of the Scottish countryside, immersing fans of Diana Gabaldon’s captivating Outlander series in the history, romance, and adventure of the beloved novels and television adaptations.

Our tour actually ran over on time due to traffic on the way back. Yes, that’s what we told the ship, which brings up a bit of a contentious topic: booking tours on your own vs. booking tours offered by the cruise line.

Important to know, and particularly applicable to our Ultimate Outlander Experience, if the ship-sponsored tour is late getting back, the ship waits for it. Book independently, that guarantee disappears putting returning travelers at the mercy of the cruise line. While some independent tour operators guarantee getting back to the ship on time, fulfilling that guarantee often gets tricky. If the ship moved on, the independent tour operator really can’t do anything about that. Also, since Viking owns the ship, there is no hurdle to clear for getting us back on board on time to continue our journey as scheduled.

Highlights Of Our Tour Included a journey through the majestic Highlands.

Cruise on Loch Ness and yes, we did see a monster, clearly documented in this photo

A self guided tour of Urquhart Castle

Lunch in Inverness at the Kings Inn

Visit the Culloden battlefield.

Explore the Clava Cairns Bronze Age cemetery where the iconic “stones” are. Stones capable of transporting us to amazing places. Like from Frankfurt to Orlando instead of flying with our tight connection would be nice.

Viking tours always include an interactive running narration throughout the tour. This is not a scripted lecture. Engaging local guides have guidance and a bullet point list of important information to include but the style of delivery is their own. I’m

  • Knowledgeable local guide with expertise in Outlander and Scottish history
  • Entrance fees to all visited sites
  • Lunch at a traditional Scottish pub. Ours happened to have a wedding happening at the time.

Who Should Take This Tour:

This tour is perfect for fans of the Outlander series, as well as anyone interested in Scottish history, culture, and breathtaking scenery. The tour is suitable for all ages and fitness levels, with comfortable transportation and leisurely walks at each stop.

Book Your Outlander Adventure Today!

Do not miss the opportunity to experience the magic of Outlander firsthand. For fans, it does not get better than this. I suppose it could have been better if Jamie Fraser had been included in there somewhere. Frankly, that would not have surprised me.

Viking is all about pleasantly surprising their guests with the unexpected, especially when that surprise can be tied to the choreography of engagement with the destinations we visit. Like when Lisa and I were recognized for being the most traveled guests on board this particular sailing. Totally unexpected, Lisa was presented with a lovely bouquet of flowers (locally sourced, of course) and a nice bottle of champagne.

Book Viking’s British Isles Explorer itinerary and add the Ultimate Outlander Experience to embark on a journey you’ll never forget. Right now is a good time to book, too. We took advantage of some super offers available while sailing and booked two more cruises onboard.

A Day in Lerwick: Viking Sky’s Shetland Interlude

As Viking Sky, carrying 930 eager explorers, docks in Lerwick for a day’s exploration, the Shetland Islands unveil their unique allure before the ship sets sail for Bergen. This charming port town, steeped in Norse heritage, offers a delightful blend of history, culture, and natural beauty, making it a captivating stopover.

Disembarking in Lerwick, we were greeted by a colorful harbor lined with traditional houses and bustling shops. We strolled along Commercial Street, the main thoroughfare to soak in the town’s lively atmosphere. Stopping along the way on a blustery day, buying stocking caps to help warm up seemed like a good idea. Unsure how much we will use those back home in Florida but we got caught up in th moment.

We were told that a short drive reveals breathtaking landscapes, including the dramatic cliffs of Eshaness, where the North Atlantic’s power is on full display. Nature enthusiasts will be delighted by the opportunity to spot puffins, gannets, and other seabirds soaring above the rugged coastline. Many on our ship hiked the interesting topography of the place.

History buffs find a lot to like in Shetland’s past at Clickimin Broch, an Iron Age settlement that offers a glimpse into the lives of ancient Shetlanders. Explore the well-preserved ruins and learn about the broch’s strategic significance.

As the day drew to a close, we returned to Viking Sky to reflect on the day’s discoveries while enjoying a delicious dinner and panoramic views of Lerwick’s harbor. With its captivating history, stunning scenery, and warm hospitality, Lerwick has left a lasting impression, making it a highlight of our Viking Sky British Isles Explorer voyage. Next stop: Bergen, Norway our final port of call.

Preparing for the trek home from Bergen to Orlando, I’d like to take a moment to talk about the part of Viking Cruises I have not yet mentioned. It is one of the very most important parts of the experience and one that speaks volumes about the Viking organization. The crew.

If you noticed, I have not included one photo of the stellar crew on Viking Sky. The reason, other than the obvious privacy concerns, is that when writings such as this focus on specific crew, they often include names. “So and so was just fabulous on my sailing” or “(name of the crew member) defined my excellent experience”. Those specific mentions make your good time dependent on that particular crew. Odds are, that crew will not be on your next sailing. There are just too many variables affecting the equation; a growing fleet such as with Viking for one. Crew go on vacation and transfer to different ships or cruise lines. The good news here: our experience is not dependent on any one individual. It’s all about the team and Viking does it better than a whole lot of other cruise lines.

Examples range from being greeted and walked on the ship for embarkation to a smooth transition from a travel day to being on the ship. Crew not only interacts with guests individually but shares information about that crew. “How did they know I like _______?” was heard a lot around the ship as well as performance indicators like “I have not eaten anything I did not love on this ship!”. This is the kind of information we need when choosing to a cruise line to invest our time and money in. Viking nails that with efforts like surveys after each tour, included or optional that specifically ask “Was this tour a good use of your time and money?” The answer most commonly a resounding “YES!”. “Do you want to come back again?” “YES!” . This is probably the single most important result of travel that needs to be confirmed. Viking nails it every single time.

Viking Ocean Cruises stands out among other cruise lines for several reasons:

  1. Destination-Focused: Viking Ocean Cruises prioritizes immersive experiences in each port of call. With longer stays and fewer sea days, passengers have ample time to explore destinations thoroughly, often visiting multiple ports within a single day. This allows for deeper cultural immersion and a more enriching travel experience. More overnights let travelers see destinations at ,well, night.
  2. Intimate and Relaxed Atmosphere: Viking Ocean Cruises’ smaller ships, with a maximum capacity of less than 1000 passengers, create a more intimate and relaxed atmosphere than larger cruise lines. This fosters community and camaraderie among passengers, enhancing the overall travel experience.
  3. Cultural Enrichment: Viking Ocean Cruises emphasizes cultural enrichment through a variety of onboard and shoreside programs. Passengers can attend lectures, cooking demonstrations, and cultural performances, or participate in shore excursions led by knowledgeable local guides. This focus on enrichment sets Viking apart from cruise lines that prioritize entertainment over education.
  4. Modern and Elegant Design: Viking ships boast a modern Scandinavian design that exudes elegance and sophistication. The thoughtfully designed public spaces and staterooms offer a comfortable and stylish environment for passengers to relax and unwind.
  5. Inclusive Value: Viking Ocean fares include many amenities that other cruise lines charge extra for, such as shore excursions, Wi-Fi, beer, wine, and specialty dining. This inclusive approach provides passengers with a more seamless and stress-free travel experience. Even the optional Silver Spirits beverage package is reasonable at $25 per person per night.
  6. No Casinos or Kids Clubs: Viking Ocean Cruises does not have casinos or kids clubs onboard its ships, catering to an adult clientele seeking a more sophisticated and tranquil travel experience.
  7. Excellent Service: Viking Ocean Cruises is renowned for its exceptional service, with attentive and friendly staff dedicated to ensuring that passengers have a memorable and enjoyable experience.

These factors combine to make Viking Ocean Cruises a top choice for discerning travelers seeking a more immersive, culturally enriching, and luxurious cruise experience.

As mentioned, I am off to the Bergen airport this morning to begin travel back home to Orlando. Still, this story is far from over. Stay subscribed for notifications of deep dives into images from the sailing, all things culinary, and more. It will be a great ride, and we’ll pick that back up later this week. Thanks for following along, and, most importantly, Let me know what questions you have.

See what we have published about this most current sailing of Viking Sky so far: