We have been looking forward to the arrival of Viking Ocean Cruises in the Caribbean for quite some time. Sailing Viking Star first in the Mediterranean then again as the ship repositioned to North America, we enjoyed features of the Viking experience every step of the way. Still, the first Viking Caribbean season promised something different in a very familiar part of the world that would naturally draw comparisons to other cruise lines. After an easy embarkation, Viking is off to a good start, for a number of reasons.
Our version of Viking’s West Indies Explorer sailing actually began in New York City as part of a 15-day New York To The West Indies itinerary. On board for the first four days, a number of travel professionals becoming familiar with the ship. For them, the sailing was one from New York to San Juan, two U.S. ports. As they were familiarizing themselves with the ship, the Jones Act requirement of visiting at least one foreign port of call was waived and they disembarked upon arrival in Puerto Rico.
Other passengers, along for the entire voyage, were still required to verify citizenship, much like if on a back to back sailing. Basically, those staying on would be required to leave the ship, bringing the passenger count down to zero, before other passengers could embark. It’s a secure way US Customs and Immigration as well as the Coast Guard can be sure that cruise ships return with the same number of passengers they left with. We “in transit” passengers planned on disembarking the ship at 9:15AM with a plan of getting back on board about 10:00AM. After experiencing this process with other cruise lines, we planned on that 10AM return time being pushed to 11 or 12, just to safe.
Interestingly, just about the time we were to exit the ship, the plan changed. Required when going through this process at the San Juan cruise terminal, going up an escalator. When Viking found out that the escalator was broken, they arranged for US Customs to come on board the ship to verify our citizenship without the inconvenience of leaving and walking up a broken escalator. A little thing really in the grand scheme of things that I mention here only because it would be the first of a number of interesting Viking advantages we would experience throughout the day.
Another advantage of sailing Viking in the Caribbean came as more of an indirect realization. We have sailed with Viking on river cruises and ocean cruises before, departing from European embarkation ports. The process of getting there always required an international flight that made for a very long travel day, just to begin sailing.
That brought our recommendation to always go a day or two early to begin that European cruise, just to get the long travel day behind us and adjust to the time zone difference. For those who do not travel internationally often, that first day in Europe basically brings a brain full of mush and a hazy memory of arriving as well as the nearly-required additional expense of that 1, 2 or 3-night pre-cruise hotel stay. Sailing Viking Star from San Juan? For those who flew to the embarkation port from North America: no big deal.
Interestingly, the passenger mix on this particular sailing seems to have a number of travelers from the UK and Australia too. Good news for them, the ship overnighted in San Juan. Good news for us: that meant a staggered arrival of passengers throughout the day.
That staggered arrival totally eliminated the mob of people wanting to get on the ship, cramming the buffet and hoping to get to their stateroom at a decent time. Checking in was done at the Explorer’s desk in the ships Living Room atrium. I can not recall a more pleasant embarkation day on any cruise line we have ever sailed.
Had we wanted to go ashore, Viking Star was docked at the San Juan Cruise Terminal, steps away from a Walgreen drug store, other stores and services one might need to take advantage of. When visiting San Juan before, if the day ran into the night we were lucky but could indeed go ashore and enjoy local nightlife.
Interestingly, that thought never crossed our minds, it was just too pleasant on the ship. This was an embarkation ambiance unfamiliar to us in the Caribbean as well as other travelers we met. Some came on board and were chilly, so Viking crew found them Norwegian throws to make them comfortable.
Other passengers enjoyed dining, drinking and entertainment venues scattered around the ship throughout the day and evening. Ending with a lovely sunset as it had began with a pleasant sunrise, we were off to a good start.
Viking Ocean Cruises In The Caribbean
- Viking Star Arrives In New York
- In New York, My Viking Story Begins
- Viking Star Ambiance Sets The Mood For First Caribbean Sailing
- Viking Day At Sea Brings Relaxation, Reflection, Dining Pleasure
- Viking In The Caribbean: Enjoyable Hardware
- Onboard Viking Art Guide Brings Personal Self-Guided Experience
- Easy Embarkation Starts Viking Caribbean Season (this post)
Facebook Photo Albums-
- Viking Star Ambiance
- The Dawn Of A New Age In Cruise Travel
- Sailing Into San Juan At Sunrise
- San Juan Cruise Port
- San Juan Easy Embarkation
- San Juan Sunset
- Bonus San Juan Sunrise
Flickr Photo Galleries
- Viking Star New York Sailaway
- New York By Day From The Deck Of Viking Star
- Viking Star Embarkation Ambiance
- Viking Star- Seen In New York City
- Viking Star World Cafe- First Look
- Viking Star Entertainment- First Look
- Viking Star Living Room- First Look
- Viking Star- Seen Around The Ship
- Alistar Miller- Viking Cruises Resident Photographer
Viking Caribbean: Pre-Cruise Countdown
- Coming Up: Viking West Indies Explorer, Epic Invasion
- Viking Cruises Caribbean: Island Connected Dining Like Never Before
- Viking Cruises Caribbean: Panoramic Island Hopping\
- Viking Cruises West Indies Explorer Countdown
- Viking Caribbean Shoreside Focus Different, Included
- Thinkable World Of Viking To Meet The Caribbean
- In The Viking Caribbean, No Smuggling Skills Needed, Door Wide Open
- Uniquely Different Viking Ocean Cruises: Specific Features That Caribbean Travel Will Like
- Follow Viking Star In Real Time Satellite View
- Flexibility Enables Surprise Viking Exploration, Again
- Coming To North America: Our Viking Adventure Begins
- Viking Introduces Previously Ignored Caribbean
- Viking Welcome Home: It Can Happen Anywhere
- Exploring Iceland Like Vikings: Thoughtfully
- Vikings Explore Prince Christian Sound, Very Carefully
- Spectacular Travel Moments With Viking Ocean Cruises
- Interesting Viking Tour Brings Global View In Very Simple Terms
- Viking Star Passes Ultimate Cruise Traveler Test
- Viking Caribbean: Something New For Someone New
- Aggressive Repositioning Itinerary Highlights Viking Commitment To Travelers
- Thoughtful Canadian Port Choice Typical Of Viking Destination Focus
- Features Not Part Of The Viking Caribbean Experience
- Viking Star Caribbean Dining: New Cuisine For Cruise Travelers
- Actually, Viking Star Is Designed For Caribbean Cruising
- Incomparable Viking Star
- Viking Star Base Features To Elevate Caribbean Cruise Experience
- In The Wake Of Vikings [PHOTOS]
- Viking Caribbean Preview: Your Questions Answered
- Viking Caribbean Preview: More Of Your Questions Answered
- Reader Question Highlights Viking Attention To Detail
- Slideshow: Favorite Viking Star Features I Can’t Wait To See
- Viking World Cruise: I Could Do That
- Viking Star Arrives In New York City
Flickr photo albums
- A Day In Reykjavik, Iceland
- Icelandic Air
- In The Steps Of Vikings: Cruising Prince Christian Sound
- Nanortalik, Greenland
- Qaqortoq, Greenland
- Viking Star Penthouse Verandah Staterooms
- Viking Star Ship Shots
- Viking Star At Sea
- Northern Lights
- Viking Star Culinary: Mamsens
- Viking Star Nordic Spa
- Viking Star Living Room Bar
- Viking Star Culinary Sampling
- Viking Star Explorer’s Lounge
- Viking Star Pool Grill
- Viking Star Past Guest Party
- Viking Star Living Room
- Saguenay, Quebec, Canada
- Viking Star Infinity Pool
- Sailing To Canada On Viking Star
- Viking Star Top Deck Spaces
- Viking Star Aquavit Bar
- Viking Star Crew
- Viking Star Main Pool Area
- Greenland From The Deck Of Viking Star
- Viking Documentation
- Al Fresco Seating Areas
Facebook Photo Albums
- Exploring Reykjavik: A Day In Iceland
- Scenic Cruising Like Vikings
- Nanortalik, Greenland With Viking Ocean Cruises
- Qaqortoq, Greenland With Viking Ocean Cruises.