As anticipated, September cruise deals are here from a number of cruise and travel companies. After a ho hum August when bonus value offers were not all that exciting, September is starting off very strong. Some offers focused on those who can travel on short notice; those will flexible schedules would be wise to consider these. A stronger indicator of good times now and more to come in the value arena can be found in offers for late 2017 and 2018; those looking for a travel experience that requires extensive planning are wise to start that process now. We’ll highlight the best of those offers shortly. First, a word about a topic that often throws an otherwise logical buying strategy into an insane universe of confusion.
It’s happened to many cruise travelers as they sail and usually happens as part of a casual conversation with tablemates at dinner or on a motorcoach during a tour. It happens on land tours too, under similar circumstances. Somehow, someone manages to insert how much they paid for their (cruise, land tour, luggage, airline ticket, etc), causing those who paid more to doubt their buying strategy or source of buying. Travel agents struggle with this topic all the time. On return from a trip, a client recounts how that experience went for them and a good travel agent listens, takes notes and files that information away for future booking purposes, continuing to work on their ongoing business relationship with that client. It’s one of if not THE most important part of the agent/client relationship, second only to having the guts to tell a traveler when they want to book something they are totally not suited for or to wait because the timing is not right.
The Insane Universe Of Confusion

Flickr Photo Bill Strain
The big problem with this is that no one but the person who booked that ‘great deal’ really knows for sure what they actually paid. There are a number of variables in the equation that are unknown, making the problem unsolvable. Traveler A paid $x. Traveler B paid less than that…but define “paid”. On the familiar turf of cruise vacations, did Traveler A’s great price the total price with port charges, taxes and government fees included? Traveler B paid more but that price included prepaid gratuities and onboard credit. Traveler A might have indeed found a better deal but how do we know? In most instances, we don’t know. The way to handle this, before dumping a travel agent, the cruise line or online booking source is quite simple and takes one statement and one question to either stop the conversation right there and move along or continue:
“Thank you for sharing that personal information”
“Do you have an invoice along with you that I can see?”
Done. If they do, great, take a photo of it with your smartphone, file the topic away for now so as not to sour your attitude while the amazing travel experience is in progress, then take another look when you get home. Now, as quick look at some wonderful deals actually happening right now and links to investigate further.
Celebrity Cruises Travel Deals Now Available Last Minute Offers
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Viking Ocean Cruises Travel Deals Now
5-Category Upgrade on the World’s Number 1 Ocean Cruise Line
Viking Ocean Cruises are a unique travel experience unlike any other cruise line. Now, there is a sale price on select sailings in early 2017 which is just right around the corner. These prices will not last long as Viking rarely offers rates so low or deals so rich.
Fall and winter are the ideal seasons to cruise the Mediterranean. The summer heat has dissipated, and so have the crowds, resulting in a more relaxed atmosphere. The ideal way to go? With Viking, named the #1 Ocean Cruise Line in the Travel + Leisure 2016 World’s Best Awards. Right now, Viking is offering up to a 5-category upgrade on two favorite cruises.
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Royal Caribbean International
September Deals
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Cunard Line
Flash Sale
Summer Savings Event
Three For All Sale
If you have not done a transatlantic sailing before, now might very well be the time with rates on the newly remastered Queen Mary 2 starting at $599 per person on select sailings. Taking you inside cruise vacations, a list of all sailings that might work during Cunard Line’s Flash Sale
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Princess Cruises Great Escapes Sale
Starts September 20
Sneak Peek
Flickr Cover Photo: Sweetie187