Sailing from July 1st through July 15th, you are invited to follow along on our Viking British Isles Explorer Cruise, a number of ways.

Start with daily LIVE EVENT posts here at ChrisCruises then move along to these popular social sharing methods:
- Instagram– Three a day, reflecting three critical elements of luxury cruise travel: beautiful scenes not found at home, onboard ambience and stellar crew members.
- Facebook– I’ll check in at every place we visit, with photos. Photo albums will eventually show up here as well.
- Twitter– Follow @ChrisCruises and the tags #CarnivalHorizon, #CruisingCarnival and #CarnivalMedCruise among others to be introduced along the way.
- Flickr Photo Albums- one for multiple photos of each onboard event, destination visited, tour experienced and more
- Pinterest– Food glorious food and only food glorious food. The culinary operation in detail.
- Tumblr- See what Lisa sees traveling at The World As Lisa Sees It, one post a day.
- RSS Feed- everything we post here, delivered as you wish.
- Exposure Photo Storybooks- Usually created after sailing and reflection, these full-size images provide a distinctly different view of destinations and events also depicted elsewhere. Preview that effort here.