Viking Ocean Cruises popular Empires of the Mediterranean itinerary presents a different Mediterranean experience: up close and in depth. We liked this so much we did it twice and that’s after sailing the Mediterranean a number of times on other cruise lines too. But that was then, This is now and concerns over safety when traveling internationally have given many planning a trip abroad reason to put those plans on hold. I get that but know the threat is far more a matter of perception than reality. Interestingly, while some cruise lines are sailing away and leaving the beautiful Mediterranean in the rear view mirror, Hearty Vikings are all in and back with a great but extremely limited-time deal to prove it.
HEARTY VIKINGS EXPECT AND GET MORE: Start with a far more inclusive experience than that offered by big ship cruise lines. Add in bonus value never before offered but go further with and a reduced price too. Now you’re in the territory of hearty Viking value. Let’s start with a cruise that has no hidden costs.
Included with Viking Ocean Cruises, a shore excursion in every port, unlimited internet, complementary spa access, a balcony for all, multiple dining venues all at no additional charge and more. Normally including beer and wine with lunch and dinner, Viking Explorers sailing on this special offer can bump that up to Viking’s Silver Spirits plan that brings far more, all day. Or they might choose a $300 onboard credit or prepaid gratuities as well if they hurry and pick the right stateroom.
This new offer is good on the 10-day Empires of the Mediterranean sailings where they will explore unforgettable sites at a relaxed pace. The Viking Ocean experience enables travelers to know their destination and its culture more intimately. Featured:
- Walk among ancient ruins and see the classical birthplace of the modern-day Olympic Games without standing in long lines.
- Take in the Acropolis with fewer people at the site. We experienced that ‘fewer people there’ element last year with luxury travel company Abercrombie & Kent in Egypt. Always safe, it was a once in a lifetime opportunity to see the UNESCO World Heritage Site without the crowds.
- Admire Venice’s architecture and enjoy a romantic evening gondola ride along the Grand Canal when mild temperatures allow for ample time outdoors and tourists are not lined up six deep on the sidewalk to cram gondolas full of people.
- 930-guest Viking ocean ships allows access to smaller, safer ports that larger ships cannot reach
- On board, delicious meals change as you sail, reflecting the local flavor of the places visited that day and fueling the anticipation for the next port of call.
- Enriching Destination Performances, fascinating onboard lectures and more make for ultra safe traveling with Viking Ocean Cruises.
HURRY: Like the idea? Act fast- the bonus value offer is good only through August 13th then it’s gone. This is the one you have been waiting for.
LET’S MAKE THIS EASY: Here is what you need to do
- Book this today
- Totally look forward to Santorini where you will go on a home visit to see our friend Nitsa, noting this itinerary goes no where close to scary Istanbul.
- Totally look forward to Koper, Slovenia– a rare gem of a cruise ship stop no one else offers
- Totally look forward to Zadar, Croatia as well as Dubrovnik and go to the market to buy Croatian salt to bring home and dramatically affect your recipes and your health
- Totally look forward to Corfu, Olympia and an overnight in Athens Greece as well, all beautiful places this time of the year
- Hope that you have enough time to enjoy being on the ship, something you may need to schedule to allow adequate time aboard.
- Thank me for suggesting this. You will. Everyone does.
SEE FOR YOURSELF: Want to know more? Check this video:
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GET THE $DETAILS NOW– See your travel agent today* or call Viking Ocean Cruises to book this now while the limited inventory lasts. This will go fast.
*Don’t have an agent, click here and I’ll find a good one close to you.
Cover- Viking Cruises