Another part of preparing a 7-day Alaska sailing with Holland America Line for Oprah’s Share The Adventure Cruise: providing a list of ways to follow along with our journey. Sharing our previous travel experiences on other cruise lines, one part of the process is crystal clear: you just can’t get enough and we’re good with that. Here then is the production plan, a list of where to find us as we travel via a variety of social sharing platforms:
Twitter- follow @ChrisCruises and see our live Twitter feed on the right side of this page
Official #tags and accounts to follow along with for this event: Subscribe to our #OMAGonHAL Twitter List for all the latest tweets, as they are posted.
- @HALcruises– Holland America Line, aHere to help you explore the world
- @O_Magazine- O, The Oprah Magazine, information and inspiration so that you can live your best life
- @Oprah- Oprah Winfrey, well, you know
- @GayleKing- Gayle King, co-host of CBSThisMorning and Editor at Large of O, The Oprah Magazine.
- @TheRealAdamSays- Adam Glassman, Creative Director of O, The Oprah Magazine
- @LucyKaylin- Lucy Kaylin, Editor in Chief at O, The Oprah Magazine
- @LeighHaber– Leigh Haber, O Mag books editor
- @LizStrout– Elizabeth Strout, Pulitzer Prize-winning author
- @India.Arie– India.Aire, Artist & Explorer
- @ElettraW- Elettra Wiedemann, Founder: Impatient Foodie
- @GlennonDoyle– Glennon Doyle- Author, Founder: MOMASTERY
- @shapewithangela– Angela Davis, Motivational Coach, Fitness Evangelist
- @ritarudner– Rita Rudner- Comedian, author, actress, mom.
Unofficial Associated #hashtags and accounts we will engage: #Alaska, #AlaskaCruise, #HollandAmerica Line, #cruise, #travel, #cruises, @PortofSeattle, @SeaTacAirport, @Delta, @MCO, @Tmobile, @Tmobilehelp
Instagram- ChrisCruises will highlight my favorite part of every day.
Flickr Photo Albums- just photos, no words: all the images we capture, free to share and use as you wish with attribution.
Facebook Photo Albums- much like Flickr Photo Albums, the Facebook version features a story and select photos that illustrate the topic, tour or onboard event.
Google + – Our daily blog posts here, shared via Google + for your convenience
Pinterest – Don’t look for much here while traveling in the wilderness of Alaska. Large images take forever to load via our satellite network. This is Alaska: everything is big. Tiny images are inappropriate. Regardless, I have two boards for this so far which may not have much in them for a while.
Tumblr– Previously ignored by me for the most part, Tumblr has become incredibly efficient with a series of upgrades. This has been Lisa’s kingdom, focusing on TheWorldAsLisaSeesIt, one photo every day for years.
ChrisCruises- Check right here for the latest posts, one a day, as we travel. Better yet, subscribe (see this page, right) and we will send an email when there is a new post. You can also click HAPPENING NOW in the menu above. Easier yet, here they are:
Pre-Cruise Posts– context for what we are about to share with you
- Holland America Today: Start Here
- Holland America Oprah Partnership A Perfect Match
- Holland America + Oprah Alaska Cruise Details
- Literally, Anything Is Possible On A Cruise
- Once Nearing Extinction, Cruise Ship Libraries Are Back
- Oprah Might Deliver Next Step In Cruise Travel Evolution
- Customizing Your Packing List To Cruise Alaska
This list will be updated along the way then after travel, in reflection.