On the Seabourn Food and Wine cruise, we have been talking a lot about the food, but not so much about the wine. Let’s fix that right now.
On board for this special sailing, Sebastian Pacheco is bringing world class vintages and deep knowledge of both to the experience in a number of ways. Starting at a very early age in his home country of Argentina, Pacheco fell in love with the wine world while taking a cuisine course. That love affair continued with his studies at London’s Wine and Spirits Education Trust (WSET) where he continues working on certification to attain a Master of Wine designation.
As Head Sommelier for Seabourn since 2012, ‘Sommelier Sebastian’ as he is referred to by Seabourn Guests, has one very unique quality that separates him from sommeliers many years his senior: an infectious passion for wine that shares and embeds in all who come in contact with him.
And contact with Sebastian is plentiful on the Seabourn Food And Wine cruise. Ever present at all onboard events, Pacheco imparts his love of wine at every opportunity. It’s a topic that can run dry very quickly if not done well. I know. I have been bored and lost interest about half way through a number of wine seminars.
As one Seabourn Guest put it, “I came for the food, my wife came for the wine but after that Greek wine lecture, I’m on board with both. I didn’t see that coming”. Indeed, through an intense wine seminar for those who really want to go deep into the topic, Pacheco will take them through nearly 40 different wines from all around the world.
In line with what makes Seabourn Sense, Pacheco custom tailors the well thought out lineup of vintages to include those of special interest to seminar participants, in this class, the wines of Australia.
Sebastian is one of those people too who gets ‘engaging others’ socially and will no doubt be in touch with Seabourn Guests long after the sailing has ended. In other words, we now have a wine expert to ask questions of for life. He’s just that good and just that engaging.
Catch Up
Coming up also, more on our Seabourn Food And Wine Cruise sailing as we make our way to Monte Carlo, Monaco on a Taste of the Mediterranean itinerary. Send your questions about the Seabourn experience and the Seabourn Food and Wine Cruise to ChrisCruises@gmail.com. We’ll have answers to all of them, either here or in a private reply.
Catch up with what we have experiences so far with these resources, already published during the event:
Here At ChrisCruises:
- Seabourn Sail Away Brings Unexpected Bonus Event
- Seabourn Brings Destination On Board
- We Visited A Little Fishing Village In Greece
- Seabourn Chef Event Goes Beyond Demonstration
- Seabourn Sense Defined
- World Class Pizza On The Seabourn Food And Wine Cruise
Facebook Photo Albums:
- Seabourn Food And Wine Cruise Sails Away
- Shopping With Seabourn Chefs In Amalfi, Italy
- Seabourn Food And Wine Cruise – In Photos
Our Live Twitter Feed while in progress
Also coming up, after sailing:
- Our Pinterest Seabourn Food And Wine Cruise 2015 board
- A Seabourn Food And Wine Cruise @exposure Photo Storybook