This Cruise Line Is Serious About Protecting The Environment

Today’s first call at the port of Savona marks the official entry into service of Costa SmeraldaCosta Cruises’ new flagship powered by liquefied natural gas (LNG). Important: LNG is a low impact fossil fuel that constitutes an environmental breakthrough for the entire cruise industry.

LNG brings improved air quality with a 95-100% reduction of sulfur dioxide emissions and particulate matter as well as lower levels of nitrogen oxides  and CO2. Not a chemist? Here’s more:

Costa has five new ships scheduled to enter service in 2021, all fueled by LNG making Costa the first cruise operator in the world to introduce this ground-breaking innovation in favor of sustainability.

Costa Smeralda is a veritable “traveling smart city”. 

  • All the ship’s daily water supply requirements are met by processing seawater directly on board in special desalination plants.  
  • Energy consumption is reduced to a minimum thanks to an intelligent energy management system. 
  • On Costa Smeralda there will be a further phasing out of single-use plastic items,
  • Costa Smeralda will also have 100% separate collection of waste on board with recycling of plastic, paper, glass and aluminum, 
  • In fact, Costa Smeralda will be donating surplus food in each port of call on the itinerary,
  • In addition, one of the innovations on Costa Smeralda is the Ristorante LAB, where guests can have fun cooking and learning about food sustainability at the same time.
  • Costa Smeralda will also offer “Adagio Tours” particularly suitable for people with disabilities, parents with toddlers in strollers and the elderly.

The arrival of Costa Smeralda brings to 29 the number of Costa ships currently in service.