Top Twitter Travel Sources
Our Top 100 (or so) list of Twitter users that bring information, value and engagement to cruise travelers on a variety of topics. Follow all and be well informed, all the time.

- @AKTravel_USA
- @allthingscruise
- @betterafter50
- @BethBlair
- @BlBrtravel
- @cajunmama
- @CareVacations
- @CateTV
- @charissafay
- @chic_travel
- @chrislhayes
- @colmhanratty
- @CostaCruises
- @CruiseBusiness
- @CruiseBuzz
- @CruiseCritic
- @CruiseCurrents
- @CruiseDiva
- @CruiseEditor
- @CruiseGuy
- @CruiseJess
- @CruiseOneHughes
- @CruiseLog
- @CruiseMan3000
- @CruiseMaven
- @CruiseRadio
- @CruiseShipForum
- @cruiseshipping
- @CruisesForLess
- @CruiseTalkShow
- @cruisingcolleen
- @davesem
- @DavidMolyneaux
- @DeckChairBlog
- @don_george
- @DonnaLHull
- @dttravelweekly
- @earthXplorer
- @EatSleepCruise
- @elliottdotorg
- @emma_enroute
- @EuroTravelog
- @expertcruiser
- @Gadling
- @garybembridge
- @getawaywithfran
- @GrandHyattAmm
- @grantkmartin
- @hannahbsampson
- @HeathrowAirport
- @InsiderPerks
- @InTheLoopTravel
- @jeannewmanglock
- @Jefftitelius
- @jeffriesusc
- @janetdiaz27
- @jenleo
- @JohnDelaneyWSC
- @JohnnyJet
- @JoshuaChaney
- @journeywoman
- @JoyceeOlivaPR
- @jyataco
- @kidtravel
- @KimMance
- @kylethevagabond
- @LandLopers
- @LifeCoachRori
- @LindbladExp
- @maddow
- @magicpaint
- @MalloryOnTravel
- @MarkHertling
- @MidlifeRoadTrip
- @MikeFaust
- @MrsPopCruise
- @niemelateijo
- @ontravelmedia
- @PKnego
- @PopularCruising
- @PortholeCruise
- @PortTampaBay
- @PrincessCruises
- @RickGriffin
- @rob_comeau
- @rosen.cheryl
- @RoyalCaribPR
- @sachsmo
- @saractravels
- @SeatradeInsider
- @spgreenwood
- @StayAdventurous
- @travelblggr
- @traveldudes
- @Travelingjudi
- @Travelogged
- @travelyourself
- @ValerieChenTAW
- @wavejourney

Top Most Engaging Cruise Line Sources
Just looking for cruise lines? Here is a list of the cruise and river lines that are currently on Twitter AND consistently engage their followers:
- @VikingCruises
- @CarnivalCruise
- @CelebrityCruises
- @CostaCruises
- @CrystalCruises
- @CunardLine
- @HALcruises
- @CruiseNorwegian
- @MSCCruises_PR
- @PrincessCruises
- @RoyalCaribbean
- @Seabourn
- @SilverSea