Today we have the story of Chilly Jilly, a new product that strays a bit out of my comfort zone. Chilly Jilly is a wrap for ladies that I ran across while looking for ways to cut down on packing, an effort that enabled me to travel with just carry-on luggage only. Short story: Chilly Jilly is a wrap in a bag that takes very little luggage space and turns out to be a good replacement for the “just in case” jacket one might bring along when traveling.
Chilly Jilly wraps come in a variety of sizes ranging from “The Wrap” to “the Wrapper Blanket”. All are made of are made with a unique double-brushed fabric that is always cozy, wrinkle-resistant and good for every occasion. Lisa (who refused to pose for a photo, effectively ending her modeling career) tried The Wrap ($35), using it initially as a scarf then moving it to her shoulders when needed in lieu of a light jacket. Her only complaint “I just wish it was a bit bigger”, a comment once made in our family concerning the gift of a diamond ring.
Unlike upsizing a diamond for $thousands, 64” wide x 19” long The Wrap can be largerfor justt a bit more. Either the 74” x 23” Oversize Wrap ($39) or 37″x 60″Wrapper Blanket ($45) might be a good choice with either taking up not much more space. Also available, lounge pants and gloves also made of similar sleeky, silky fabric that travels well with no wrinkles, providing a space-saving multi-use travel clothing option.
Personally, I thought the Chilly Jilly wrap would have been a nice product to have (in a manly version, maybe with a hunting motif) when I was deep under Nuremberg, visiting a World War II Germany art bunker not long ago. Actually, by the time that icy tour was over I might have worn the entire ensemble of Chilly Jilly products.
Here are a few photos of the Chilly Jilly line: