Travel Places Less Expensive To Visit Off-Peak

DaddySkins conducted a study on 30 cities to develop a ranking of top off-season travel destinations. The methodology included:

  1. Identifying Peak Seasons: Each city’s peak tourist season was analyzed to ensure that the recommendations are for the off-season.
  2. Evaluating Key Factors: Data on average temperatures during peak and off-peak seasons, differences in hotel prices from, and visitor density per square kilometer were collected.
  3. Scoring and Ranking: Each city was scored based on the evaluated factors and then ranked to determine the best off-season travel destinations.

Findings summed up

CitiesVisitors per yearArea, km²Visitors per km2Peak SeasonAverage summer temperatureAverage autumn temperatureHotel prices in Autumn booking.comHotel prices in Summer Score
Los Angeles50,300,000.001,21041,570Summer28°26°147.3216.82.19

Chicago takes the top spot of the off-season travel destinations with a comprehensive score of 2.24. This assessment is based on several factors: as the city transitions into cooler weather with an average temperature of 17°C, hotel rates notably decrease, dropping from a peak season high of $280.85 to a more affordable $198.85. This significant reduction in price, coupled with fewer tourists, enhances the city’s appeal and accessibility during the off-peak period, making it an ideal time for visitors to enjoy Chicago.

Los Angeles ranks second with a score of 2.19. In autumn, the temperature is a comfortable 26°C, cooler than summer. Hotel prices also drop from $216.75 to $147.25, offering savings for a quieter, sunny vacation. 

Riga is ranked third with a score of 2.13. In autumn, temperatures cool to about 11°C, a significant drop from summer. Hotel rates decrease from $90.90 to $78.60, making it more affordable. With the lowest visitor density and hotel prices during the off-peak season, Riga is an excellent, budget-friendly choice for travelers.

Warsaw is in fourth place with a score of 2.04. The city’s hotel prices stay nearly the same throughout the year, with only a $0.25 difference between peak and off-peak seasons.

Amsterdam ranks fifth with a score of 1.96. In autumn, the temperature is a comfortable 15°C. Hotel rates decrease from $250.45 to $190.00, making visits to the city more enjoyable and affordable.

Lisbon comes in 6th with a score of 1.84. The temperature in autumn stays warm at 24°C, just slightly cooler than summer. Hotel rates decrease from $168.00 in summer to $150.65, making the city more accessible in the less crowded season.

Scoring 1.75, Bern is 7th on the list of destinations to visit during the off-peak season. During autumn, temperatures cool to 14°C and hotel rates drop from $192.05 to $149.80. This allows travelers to enjoy the Swiss atmosphere without the peak season prices as Bern is the most visited city per km2 on the list.

Zagreb is ranked 8th with a score of 1.65. With the reduced hotel prices from $125.90 in summer to $111.50, Zagreb offers a calm and cost-effective alternative for exploring its cultural and historical sites.

9th on the list of destinations to visit during the off-peak season, London scores 1.56. Autumn temperatures average a mild 16°C, with hotel rates slightly reducing from $185.30 in the summer to $179.05. This slight decrease, coupled with fewer tourists, makes it an optimal time to visit the city.

Rounding out the top ten Athens scores 1.50, maintaining a comfortable 24°C in autumn. Hotel rates are minimally reduced, but the decrease in tourists and summer heat makes the city more enjoyable to explore.