Viking Ocean Ten Ship Dream Takes Shape
Viking continues to define the world of ocean cruising, offering a unique choice to culturally curious travelers. It’s a travel experience unlike no other that is proving popular everywhere they sail. With three ships in service and three under construction, Viking just can’t build them fast enough. Cruise travelers have spoken and Viking is listening, ordering two more ships with an option for two as the Viking ocean ten ship dream takes shape.
“Once only known for being the leading river cruise line, we are now equally known for upscale, inclusive ocean cruise experiences.”- Torstein Hagen, chairman of Viking Cruises
When the people at Viking Cruises thought about entering the ocean cruising business, they did so largely at the request of those who sail the revolutionary longships of Viking River Cruises. Developing Viking Ocean Cruises with those same culturally curious travelers in mind, all-balcony Viking Star was born.
The notion of an inclusive ocean-going ship that carried the Viking experience from river to sea resonated with travelers, nearly selling out Viking Star’s first season in just a few months. Two more ships were ordered to meet demand before the then-new cruise line began sailing. Shortly after that, another three ships were ordered bringing the Viking fleet to six. Now we have solid documentation that ten ships are indeed possible for Viking Ocean Cruises.
- Viking Star
- Viking Sea
- Viking Sky
- Viking Sun– later this year
- Viking Spirit– 2018 delivery
- Unnamed- 2019 delivery
- Memorandum of Agreement Signed- 2021 delivery
- Memorandum of Agreement Signed- 2022 delivery
- Option Announced
- Option Announced
Significant here: Viking Ocean Cruises popularity is proving wrong those who say a big ship business model is the only way to have a healthy cruise industry. At 960-passengers, Viking Ocean Cruise ships are substantially smaller than the majority of ships which currently define “cruising” to North American travelers. More importantly, with a Viking ocean ten ship dream coming into focus, we turn the page on a number of issues.
- Blowing Past The “Can They Do It?” Thing- Viking Cruises will probably steam right past tried and failed Renaissance Cruises who built six ships. It’s the elephant in the room that industry-watchers have in the back of their heads in a “will they pull it off or not?” sort of way. Those six ships are still in service here and there, most efficiently as the two-ship fleet of Azamara Club Cruises of which we have written volumes.
- Possible Records On The Way- Viking Cruises is solidly on track to redefine ocean cruising as they did river cruising with the revolutionary Viking Longships. Not out of the question: a new Guinness World Record in the ocean as they did on rivers.
- More ships = More places- As the Viking ocean fleet grows, so do the possible places their unique all-balcony ships can take travelers. Passing the ultimate test for North American cruise travelers in the familiar waters of the Caribbean, there seems no limit to what Viking can do.
- Successful Viking Oceans A Call To Action- Other cruise lines which may have written off the novelty of Viking taking what they do on rivers to sea will be taking a closer look as the Viking fleet expands; solid proof that travelers like what they see. That’s good news for all fans of travel by ship.
See More: This gallery gives us a good idea of the Viking Ocean Cruises experience:
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See More: Viking Ocean Cruises 360° Tour
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